- Visit https://live.aila2024.com/
- Login with your email address used for AILA 2024 Registration
- For Initial Login, please follow the steps accordingly
- For Subsequent Login, please use the key in your password
- Click on the
- “Congress Poster” box – View e-posters and share your thoughts with the submitter.
- “Congress Video” box – Watch pre-recorded presentations or view PDF presentations.
- “Online Sessions” box – Access sessions according to the current schedule GMT+8 timezone.
- Select the session you would like to join (for example Symposium 2.11 or Session 1.A1) and presentation room (for example MR 401 or Zoom A).
- Click on the “Join” button which will automatically connect you to the ZOOM Platform.
- Virtual presenters may reach out to the following AILA2024 personnel for information:
- Academic Moderators (for session runthrough): Mr Maxwell Sim @ +60173069741)
- Technical Support: [email protected]
- Congress website: https://aila2024.com/
- The physical venue of the congress is at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. The virtual platform used for the congress is ZOOM.
- As we get nearer to the congress date, the presentation Schedule for physical and virtual presenters (HYBRID or FULLY ONLINE) will be uploaded on the AILA2024 official website for all presenters.
- Please refer to the general information if you are unclear on the access to certain content from the congress.
- Please note whether you are presenting in the HYBRID or FULL VIRTUAL rooms and do ensure that you are clear on the session timing especially if you are in a different time zone (Please note that Kuala Lumpur is set to GMT+8)
- Changes to the schedule shall be announced on the AILA2024 official website via ‘Programme’ page – https://aila2024.com/programme/. So please refer to the Programme page frequently to obtain the latest updates.
- Please note that the schedule is final but may be subject to changes for administrative purposes. No changes in presentation slots are allowed from 4 August 2024
- Each presenter is given 15 minutes to present their papers. A total of an additional 15 minutes is allocated for the Q&A session at the end of the session, after ALL papers in the panel are presented.
- Visit https://live.aila2024.com/
- Login with your email address used for AILA 2024 Registration
- For Initial Login, please follow the steps accordingly
- For Subsequent Login, please use key in your password
- Click on “Online Sessions” box
- Find your presentation by searching session title (for example Symposium 2.11 or Session 1.A1) and presentation room (for example MR 401 or Zoom A).
- Click on the “Join” button which will automatically connect you to the ZOOM Platform.
- In the ZOOM Platform, click on the “Chat” button to identify yourself to the Room Master:
- Your name
- What time is your presentation slot
- What is your abstract ID
- The respective Room Master will guide you on the next step.
- All presenters should sign in to the ZOOM platform at least 30 minutes before the time of the presentation as indicated in the Presentation Schedule.
- Please have Zoom installed in your device and ensure that it is the UPDATED version to avoid any disruption during the session. This is also to enable you to use the many features in the ZOOM application. The link to the download page for Zoom is: https://zoom.us/download
- During the Zoom session, please identify yourself as “Paper ID No |Full Name”, for
example, 101 | Zakaria Smith - The ID number here is the abstract/paper ID, which you have received in the abstract
acceptance email. - Do use a professional background look for your presentation.

- Ensure that you are presenting with at least half of your upper body visible on the screen
- Ensure that you have either enabled a blurred
screen background or am using your
institutional Zoom background for the
presentation (you may request an official AILA
Zoom Background from the academic
moderator) - The use of a headset with microphone is highly encouraged for clarity of presentation.
- Please stay for the entire session after your presentation for the Q&A.
- Questions will be posed by viewers either directly or through the Chat function.
- In the Hybrid Rooms, questions will be either posed by viewers live (and academic moderators to pose to Chat) or virtually through the chat session.
- The Q&A session will be conducted live and moderated by the academic moderator, so please be sure you have a stable internet connection and have your camera turned on during this session.
F. MP4 Video or PDF Upload
All presenters are encouraged to submit either:
- ONE (1) pre-recorded video (mp4) OR
- ONE (1) PDF of their presentation slides
to https://live.aila2024.com/ by 16 August 2024 (GMT+8 at 23:59). This initiative is primarily intended to benefit online participants across different time zones, facilitating global learning and idea exchange.
How to login?
- Visit https://live.aila2024.com/
- Login with your email address used for AILA 2024 Registration
- For Initial Login, please follow the steps accordingly

4. For Subsequent Login, please use key in your password

5. Click on “My Submission” header located at the TOP RIGHT corner
6. Upload according by 16 August 2024 (GMT+8 at 23:59 hrs)
7. The length of the video should not be more than 15 minutes and must be in mp4. format.
8. Your video file name should precede the presentation type (P = Paper, W = Workshop, S = Symposium and R = ReN) followed by your abstract ID, then your last name, e.g., S1203Jackson.mp4
9. The owner of the Video OR PDF must agree and give consent to AILA 2024 to upload and share their videos with AILA 2024 registered delegates only. Upon uploading your video, you must agree to the privacy policy of AILA 2024 and allowing the Organiser to share your video on website that will be accessible to registered delegates.
10. Upload / Sharing (Terms & Conditions)
Before you upload your video presentation file OR PDF, you must accept the following terms and conditions. The full copyright text is available at the upload site.
- The author(s) retain copyright of the video but agree to allow the AILA 2024 World Congress organiser to collect, store and display their videos for the AILA 2024 World Congress registered attendees. Videos will not be used for any other purposes.
- AILA 2024 World Congress organiser shall not be liable for any infringement on a third party’s copyrights and other intellectual rights. Authors are responsible to ensure that academic integrity is observed.
11. Recommendations:
- Opening title – It is recommended to include the title at the start of the video.
- Third-party material and copyright – You must have the right to use all the material that is contained in your submission including music, video, images, etc.
- Display and viewing comfort: Pay attention to details such as flashing lights, unsteady camera, and loud sounds which may cause viewers’ discomfort.
- Speaker + Display: While a “voice-over” presentation without seeing the presenter, only the display (e.g., Powerpoint), is not improper, most congress participants would prefer seeing the presenter as well as the display. Typical presentation software (Powerpoint, Keynote) allows recording presentations with microphone audio, but picture-in-picture (including a speaker view) is often better. You can either separately capture the speaker’s video and insert it using video editing software, or you can use Zoom, or similar software to directly record a picture-in-picture video. Some software, e.g. Flashback (free version too!) allows you to resize the image of the camera “on the fly” while recording, thus you can make the presenter’s image larger or smaller against the main display (Powerpoint slide, etc).
- Appropriacy of content: Please ensure that content is appropriate in terms of rights and taste, does not contain inappropriate language, viewpoints, or imagery, and is unlikely to offend any individuals or groups either present at the congress or beyond.
- Visit https://live.aila2024.com/
- Login with your email address used for AILA 2024 Registration
- Click on “My Submission” header located at the TOP RIGHT corner
- Upload according by 11 August 2024 (GMT+8 at 23:59 hrs)
- The file should be saved as single A4 page, portrait orientation in pdf.
- NO passwords or encryption for your e-Poster.
- Save your file name as “PS” for poster followed by your abstract ID, then your last name, e.g., PS1039Jackson.pdf.